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TAM-TAM advertising action

Promotion of the project STOPJEŽ went to whole new level, when STOPANIMALS charmed the employees of the company TAM-TAM. Every year they support a project by providing their advertising skills. This year they chose STOPJEŽ, for which project ambassador Lila Prap drew STOPANIMALS. At the end of July 121 posters were set in 19 slovenian cities, where they warn not only drivers but all passersby about the probolem of animals in traffic. Some of the set posters, that were designed by Zvone Kosovelj, can be seen in our gallery.

Lectures for driving schools

STOP, driving schools and schools for defensive driving!

Traffic accidents are mainly caused by imprudent drivers. Therefore the most effective prevention is raising awareness and informing young drivers that are yet to come on our roads. We prepared a short presentation of the problem ANIMALS AND TRAFFIC (a lecture with ppt presentation). The lecture and promotional materials of the project (brochures, posters and car stickers) are free of charge.

Promotion of the project

STOPJEŽ is mainly a raising awareness project, therefore it is important to performe a successful promotion campaign. We present the project at different festivals and events such as Slovenian Science Festival. We prepared several promotional materials for public. We send them to different organizations that help us with promotion of the project by handing out our material. Several organizations already posted articles about our project and link to our website on their websites, web portals and social networks. Posters already hang on the walls of different institutions. Besides that we hand out car stickers to drivers. They are available to you in our office. You can order them in our web store by  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

STOPJEŽ posters can be seen inbuildings of:


List of organizations and web portals, helping us with promotion:

Since we are aware that the lists are incomplete, we invite you to send us a link of your post or a photo of a poster to e-mail above. Thank you very much for all your help!

Action »Večna pot«

Through the project STOPJEŽ – Traffic and Animals Institute LUTRA wants to help other non-profit organizations that also work with the problem of animals in traffic. Therefore LUTRA employees joined actions, organized by Societas herpetologica slovenica – Society for the study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SHS) in frame of the project "Varstvo dvoživk na Večni poti (Protection of amphibians on Večna pot)". Amphibians are very vulnerable participants in the traffic. Due to their size they are often overlooked or simply ignored, since "collisions" with them do not cause any damage. Despite their size, amphibians present danger in traffic. Usually they migrate in large groups, which lead to high number of dead amphibians, creating a slippery roadway. This mainly occurs in early spring, when amphibians are headed from hibernation sites to breeding ponds, and in autumn, when amphibians return to their hibernation sites. In cases, when their migration routes cross roads, consequences for a local population can be catastrophic. Especially in early spring roadkills, when adults before mating are killed. With running over one female her whole potential brood dies with her.

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