Welcome to roadkill database! We would like to thank you in advance for all provided data. Your contribution will improve the knowledge on problems considering animals in traffic. With collected data most critical sections ("hot spots") can be determined and proper solutions can be suggested that will improve safety of all participants in the traffic. But for this, accuracy of data entered in the database is necessary; therefore we prepared INSTRUCTIONS, which will help you.
By publishing your photographs you obtain your ownership rights but you give LUTRA, Institute for Conservation of Natural Heritage (further LUTRA Institute), perpetual license for further use of photos (to display, distribute, reproduce, and create derivatives). Photos will be used for publications, websites, posters and presentations, prepared during current and future projects of LUTRA Institute, always exclusively for non-profit purposes. LUTRA Institute obliges to state authors name and surname next to the photo.
By entering data into database you allow LUTRA Institute further use and processing of data. You give LUTRA Institute permission to present results in both, electronic and printed publications, and at expert meetings.