This year there was already the third Eco conference with eco bazar organized on Gospodarsko razstavišče by društvo Planet Zemlja and ARSO. Institute LUTRA was presenting the project STOPJEŽ. The aim of the project is to warn drivers of animals in traffic and measures that can be taken in order to prevent collisions with animals. Our stand was visited by many important guests among which we would like to expose the president of Slovenia, dr. DaniloTürka. He was very interested in our work therefore we gave him in a memory the badge with otter footprints.
We are happy to announce that car stickers are available and you can order them by
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. Preview of the sticker.
But the stickers are not only available at our institute, you can also find them at different animal societies and animal shelters. Those who already help us with the promotion, are listed below:
Find STOPJEŽ on their websites and stands. Besides ours there are also car stickers from DZZŽ Kranj, that are also warning the drivers of animals on the road. |
Today, 13th March 2012, STOPJEŽ presented itself on radio Val 202 in Izvidnica that was dedicated to animals in traffic. If you missed the show, you can listen to it here. Interview with Marjana Hönigsfeld Adamič, the STOPJEŽ project leader, starts at time 15:15.
Also Radensko Polje is in this time a place of mass amphibian migration. Therefore Landscape Park Radensko Polje already for the fourth year leads the action "Help the frogs cross the road." The fence is placed on the local road between Veliko Mlačevo and Velika Račna. In addition to fence there are buckets buried in soil, in which amphibians are falling. Buckets are then checked and emptied twice per day. In the evenings, when amphibians happily jump and crawl towards the water, and in the morning, to transfer the last remaining stragglers in order to prevent them from being exposed to the sun during the day. In such an abundance of amphibians the bucket is filled quickly.
Finally the first rain arrived, the temperatures rose and amphibians peeped out of their winter homes. The mass spring migration from winter to spawning areas began. Unfortunately sometimes these paths intersect roads, which usually ends badly for the smaller participants in traffic. Therefore more and more actions, helping amphibians at road crossing, are organized. Their aim is not only to reduce number of run over amphibians by picking them up and carrying them across the road, but also to prevent slipery roads. So today begins the action on Večna pot, organized by Societas herpetologica slovenica - Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, which also organizes transfering of amphibians on the road Za tremi ribniki in Maribor. If Maribor or Ljubljana are too far away for you, you can join the actions organized in Radensko Polje or in Hraše pri Smledniku. Maybe you would like to organize an action in your place. In this case you can find more information here. |
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